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Overview of Dashboard & Analytics
Overview of Dashboard & Analytics

In this article, we will provide guide you through MeetAlfred's Dashboard and how it facilitates quick and easy access to your campaigns.

Jessika Varela avatar
Written by Jessika Varela
Updated over a year ago

The MeetAlfred Dashboard serves as the central hub where you can monitor the performance of your campaigns comprehensively. It provides detailed insights and metrics relating to all campaign activities.

To access your dashboard, simply navigate to 'Analytics' > 'Dashboard'.

Key Features of the Dashboard

  1. Analyze and Improve: Utilize detailed analytics and statistics to track your campaign performance and make necessary improvements along the way.

  2. Reply Management: Efficiently review and manage your replies within the dashboard.

  3. Segmented Overview: Gain a holistic view of your campaign activities segmented by a specific date range.

  4. Track Campaign Stats: Keep track of essential statistics such as invites sent, accepted invitations, messages sent, replies generated, and greetings triggered.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our customer support team available 24/7 using the chat bubble on your screen, or email us at [email protected]. We're always happy to help! 😊

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