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LinkedIn Search Campaign

Learn how to efficiently find and engage high-quality leads using Meet Alfred's built-in LinkedIn search option.

Jessika Varela avatar
Written by Jessika Varela
Updated over a year ago

When creating a LinkedIn or Multi-channel campaign, you can use Meet Alfred's built-in LinkedIn search option to easily find leads.

To access this option, click the Create button in your MeetAlfred account and select 'LinkedIn Campaign' or 'Multi-Channel Campaign'.

How It Works

  1. Select the 'LinkedIn Search' option and input your preferred target audience using keywords, specific leads, or company names in the search bar.

  2. Once you have applied your desired filters, click on Next.

Reach up to 1,000 high-quality leads and take advantage of our refined filters for top-notch results.

3. Proceed to build your campaign by clicking on the LinkedIn Icon and including actions such as:

  • LinkedIn Engagement steps, such as Profile views, Follows, and Endorsements.

  • Personalize your messages with snippets, templates, and attachments.

  • Tailor the timing between each step to fit your preferences.

  • Premium users can include up to 5 attachments per LinkedIn message.

โš ๏ธ There are no limitations on the number of steps in your sequence.

4. When you're finished, simply click Next, give your campaign a title, and hit Publish.

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